Sunday, May 22, 2011

Portia and Another Visitor

As soon as Cassius and his fellows from the Conspiracy left me, Portia came out into the Garden. I remember thinking, and saying, that she shouldn't be exposed to the raw cold of the morning in her condition. She said that I had been impatient, worried, mulling over something, sighing, musing, and with my arms across ever since yesternight. She had tried to ask me what my matter was, but I had ungently waved her away when she continued to press me. This is what she said about me from yesternight. I brushed it off, saying that 'i am not well in health, and that is all'.

     She countered this, saying that if I was sick, I would be wise enough to say I was and "embrace the means to come by it." I told her to go to bed, But she stayed. She had guessed that my illness was not of physical, but of a "sick offense within [my] mind." She knelt at my feet begging for me to tell her, in which I told her to stand.

    She then had said that even if she's a woman, she is strong enough to hear, and keep, this secret of mine. She then shows me a stab wound in her thigh, in which she intentionally cut to show her strong determination before she approached me.

        "O ye gods!/ Render me worthy of this noble wife!"

          When she had left me, I had another visitor--Caius Ligarius! We spoke awhile, then, when the sky become dark with rain and thunder began to burst, we went inside to talk some more.

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