Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Ides of March--the Capitol

        At the Capitol on the day of the Ides of March, before we went through the gates, the Soothsayer, and even Artemidorus was there, along with the others from the Conspiracy, and those who follows Caesar. They seemed to know that there was something that would go amiss today. Such observing people--dangerous. Thank thee gods that they have not been able to successfully warn Caesar, for his pride was too great to heed their warnings.
         Popilus has even said to Cassius, "I wish your enterprise today may thrive." We feared that our plan was known, but Popilus seems to be on our side, for which he was speaking to Caesar, seeming to be distracting him. Our plan had followed this: Metellus went before Caesar to ask for his brother to be allowed recall from exile. Caesar brushed it off. Then myself knelt before him, still he had refused. Then Cassius, Cinna, Decius, and Casca knelt, but still to no avail.
        Casca had then gave the signal, and was the first to stab Caesar. Everyone gave a stab, and I, lastly.

                            "Et tu, Brute?--Then fall Caesar."
          These words were the last ones that has crossed the lips of Caesar. I fear that these words would forever haunt me for the rest of my mortal life.

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