Sunday, May 22, 2011

Caesar's Funeral

            At Caesar's funeral, there were many plebeians and other Romans that had demanded the full explanation of the assassination of Caesar, in which we had did. Cassius had went off with some of the Plebeians in order to part the numbers in a different street. I went ahead into the pulpit and began to speak to the Romans. In the beginning they had been noisy, but once I began they were silent, listening intently to what I spoke.

          Brutus, then, came, with the body of Caesar. And before I left him to his speech, I had offered to kill myself with the same dagger that I had slewed my best lover with, for the good of Rome. They yelled, saying I should live.

          Thus I left Brutus to his speech to the people of Rome.

           After Antony's speech, myself and Cassius had heard word that he have moved the hearts of the people of Rome, and that they are on a rage of fury. Thus Cassius and myself had fled as fast as we can through the gates of Rome.

           O! Is what we are doing, truly for the good of Rome?

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