Sunday, May 22, 2011

After the Death of Caesar

            After the death of Caesar, everyone went away because we sent them away, bidding them to allow us to explain once they calm themselves. They ran, cry out, and flee.

            A servant then comes, bidding words from Antony. He asks to be allowed the explanation of our deeds to him, with the promise of word that we won't strike him down as well. We grant him to come to us, and the servant goes off to fetch him.

           Cassius is still wary of Antony, but I think that he shouldn't. Antony will be a good and loyal friend.

            Antony expresses his worries and doubts. We explain to him slightly. Mostly bidding him to wait and be patient until we have appealed to all of Rome at once. He seems to understand and asks if we will allow him permission to take the body of Caesar and "speak in the order of his funeral."  I have given him permission, though Cassius had bade me to not give consent. To make him somewhat happy, I had told Antony that he would not blame us, and only speak good of Caesar. He would also only speak after I have spoken to the public. He agreed and we had left him to take Caesar's body and prepare it for the ceremony.

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